A Reset Under the Stars: Grounding with Sacred Black Sand

A Reset Under the Stars: Grounding with Sacred Black Sand

This week, I found myself feeling incredibly uneasy. The days were filled with high-pressure timelines, especially with the Harvest Moon fast approaching. There were lots of collectors to coordinate and locations to figure out. On top of that, the night wasn’t expected to be the clearest, so we had to get the team out early to make sure everything was set before dusk fell. We also had specific spells we wanted to cast that evening, to harness the full power of the moon before the morning light. But, with everything happening at once, I felt my energy being pulled in too many directions, and I realized I hadn’t felt grounded in days.

I needed a reset, a way to reconnect with myself and the earth around me. So, after the rain cleared and the sky began to show the promise of clear stars, I decided to take the time I needed. I picked a quiet night to focus on bringing balance back into my life. I gathered my tools and set up in a secluded spot, far away from distractions. I started with deep meditation, taking slow, heavy breaths, sinking deeper with each exhale. My focus was on connecting with the earth beneath me, grounding my energy and releasing the tension I had been carrying.

Once I felt centered, I moved into my grounding spell with sacred black sand. I reached for the jar of black sand, collected from a secluded beach on Vancouver Island during the Harvest Full Moon. The energy of the sand was still fresh, and I could feel its power calling to me.

Grounding Spell with Sacred Black Sand

Set Your Intention

I took a moment to center my thoughts and focus on what I needed: grounding, stability, and release of any lingering anxiety. I closed my eyes and set the intention to align myself with the earth’s steady, supportive energy.

Create a Sacred Space

Using a small bowl, I poured a generous amount of the sacred black sand, allowing it to settle into a circle around me. I visualized the sand acting as an anchor, connecting me to the earth, its strength flowing upward from the ground.

Invoke the Earth and Moon

I spoke the words aloud, calling upon the energies of the earth beneath me and the moon above.

“With the power of the earth and the clarity of the moon, I ground myself. I release all that does not serve me, and I invite peace, stability, and strength into my being.”

Focus and Breathe

With each inhale, I imagined drawing in the earth’s energy through my feet, rising through my body, and filling me with calm. With each exhale, I released any tension or unease, feeling it dissipate into the sand around me.

Seal the Spell

To seal the grounding energy, I placed my hands into the black sand, visualizing the energy becoming anchored into the earth. I expressed gratitude for the support and guidance of the earth, the moon, and the sacred black sand.

By the time I finished, I felt a deep sense of balance and calm wash over me. The spell had worked in grounding me, allowing me to release the heavy, ungrounded energy I had been carrying. With a clearer mind and more centered energy, I was ready for whatever the next phase of the moon and my work would bring.

I encourage you to try grounding spells like this one when you’re feeling unbalanced or out of touch with your inner peace. Whether you’re working with sacred black sand or another tool that connects you to the earth, taking the time to reset can help realign your energy and bring clarity when life feels like it’s moving too quickly.


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